Author: Jessica

  • Finished Chef Jacqueline

    Today, I finally finished my Chef Jacqueline website. It was a struggle to code the different pages because I kept getting confused with my style.css but I managed to get it figured out. Check it out!

  • Chef Jacqueline

    In New Media Development, we are currently working on a website for Chef Jacqueline. Web design isn’t my strong suit, so next time I put together a website, I want to do a better job designing the website to look more professional. For now, I need to improve my coding skills.

  • Product design

    In one of our recent projects, we created a packaging design for a made-up product. My product is a perfume called “Celestial Lotus”. I designed the package with three different color schemes but decided on the blue and gold combination. I like how it turned out but I might go back one day to recreate it to look less ‘cheap’.

  • Product label result

    For Design Development, I finished my product labels. The product I decided to do is a spray for cleaning up pet-related messes. I had a hard time deciding on how the label should look but decided to switch it up by doing a lemon-based label to imply the smell of the product. For the logo, I created “Clean Canine” which I enjoyed putting together, but because of its shape, I had a hard time figuring out how it should look on the label. Overall, I really like how it turned out.

  • Check-list

    Before the semester ends, the last things I need to work on are:
    1. Finish revising my magazine
    2. Get the photos that I need to turn in for class
    3. Finish the Chef Jacqueline website
    4. Create a presentation for Social Media Marketing
    5. Take my Exam 4 for Psych

  • Plans for winter break

    This winter break, I will be picking up more hours at my job, but I also want to do some volunteer graphic design for some organizations. For example, one of my co-workers also works with The Kitten League, so I want to reach out to the main person in charge and create some posters to spread the word about adopting cats that need a home.

  • Goals for the last semester

    For the spring semester, I want to focus on improving my work by procrastinating less and managing my time wisely. These last couple of weeks have thrown me off when it comes to doing my assignments on time, so I definitely want to do better. I also want to improve my Photoshop and camera skills.

  • Photography

    Recently in Digital Photography, we worked on different types of studio portrait photos and shooting glass products. When I was doing my glass products, I learned how to set up the different lighting to properly shoot my products.

  • End of Semester Recap

    Today, I finished all the different projects that we were working on for the magazine and now building them together. I had to go in and do a couple revisions of the different pages but now I think they look good and unified

  • Mental Health Check

    This winter season is definitely taking a toll on my mental health. It’s getting harder to really focus on my assignments and finding the motivation to keep working.